The RotoZipper is the miniature, marker-programmable display you never knew you wanted! Check out the full write-up for all the fun details.
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Home to a cunning artificer
The RotoZipper is the miniature, marker-programmable display you never knew you wanted! Check out the full write-up for all the fun details.
Continue reading »Who says AGI has to be super intelligent just to be A, G and I? Come meet Grasso, the friendly yard robot. Check out my full writeup, and maybe build your own!
Continue reading »After a way-too-long hiatus from posting projects, I finally managed to write up something I worked on a few years ago. Check out the full write-up on my 1/25-Scale Supercomputer Wrist Watch!
Continue reading »A friendly Internet stranger sent me a box of old supercomputer backup tapes a few years ago (as one does), and I finally got around to documenting my (successful!) recovery efforts. Check out the write-up!
Continue reading »Immediately upon completing the ZedRipper and posting my write-up, I embarked on a series of useful upgrades that I finally got around to documenting. Check out the full write-up!
Continue reading »I finally got a chance to write-up my efforts from this summer to play around with the different video modes supported by my Kaypro. With a little help from some inline assembly, I was able to hit 50 frames/sec! Check out the full write-up.
Continue reading »Meet my latest creation: The ZedRipper – a 16-core, 83 MHz Z80 laptop just waiting to fulfill all of your Turbo Pascal-related 1980s fantasies. Check out the full write-up here!
Continue reading »Although I don’t update this site very frequently, I usually *eventually* get around to doing a write-up for my more interesting projects. I still aspire to doing that, but my free time has been at more of a premium since the arrival of el bebe, so the documentation has suffered more than anything else. On that note, I’ve decided to start lightly documenting some of my past projects as quick blog posts. Some of them might get a more in-depth writeup at some point. The Curlometer For several years my wife and I were enthusiastic curlers. It’s a fantastic sport
Continue reading »Now that my website is back online after a brief (okay, more like 3 months) hiatus do to wordpress . . . issues, I finally got a chance to finish writing up my efforts to port my Deep Dish Nine game to my 34 year old Kaypro 2/84 Z80-based microcomputer! Check out the full write-up and give it a spin if you’ve got some retro hardware lying around.
Continue reading »My latest Arduboy offering – Deep Dish Nine is essentially an interactive version of the n-body simulation of the TRAPPIST-1 system I wrote for HANS. Fly around the TRAPPIST-1 system delivering pizzas and showing off your skill with orbital mechanics. Check out the full write-up!
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